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​What do Osteopaths treat?

​Low back pain
Neck pain
Head ache
Pregnancy pain
Infants and Children
Sports Injuries
Pelvic pain & instability
Hip, knee & ankle pain
Shoulder, elbow & wrist pain
Jaw pain
Inner ear issues
Digestive problems
Menstrual pain

Your visit:
At your first visit a thorough medical history and physical examination will take place to identify areas of dysfunction and allow accurate diagnosis. A gentle manual treatment will be given. You may be given exercises and advice to assist you in your recovery. Some disrobing may be required. Allow 45-60 minutes for an initial consultation and 30-40 minutes for subsequent consultations.
Initial consult: $150
Subsequent consults: $100
Concession rates available with HCC:
Initial consult: $125
Return consult: $90


​Osteopathy is a very gentle and safe treatment for infants and children. During pregnancy and birth babies can develop strains through areas of their body which can lead to problems that persist after birth. The soft and pliable nature of an infant’s skull allows its passage through the birth canal however this means that it is also vulnerable to strains. Strains through areas of the skull can result in dysfunctions of the cranial nerves leading to colic, reflux, excess wind, feeding difficulties, irritability and sleeping problems. Very gentle manual therapy can help to balance and release problem areas to give symptomatic relief.


Children from infancy through to adolescence can suffer from aches and pains as a result of falls, postural problems, rapid growth and sporting injuries. Treatment of problem areas will assist your child to reach their full potential. Children often seem to bounce back quickly after an injury but problems can remain in the tissues of the body and become apparent later on. An Osteopath will be able to find any problem areas, restoring normal function and thereby preventing future aches and pains.


Osteopathic treatment is extremely safe, gentle and effective during pregnancy. Whilst pregnant, your body is constantly shifting and adapting to accommodate your growing baby. As your posture changes and is placed under more load, aches and pains can result. Your body releases hormones during pregnancy that relax the connective tissues to prepare for delivery meaning that you have less support and are more prone to injury.
We have pregnancy pillows available so that you can lay comfortably whilst being treated.
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